Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Bonus for Stieg Larsson Fans!

CLAMS Language Learning Makes News

Mango Languages is an online language-learning system teaching actual conversation skills. A Vineyard Haven library card, computer and Internet access are required to access the system from home. Library patrons have access to six language courses: French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and English for Brazilian Portuguese Speakers.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Food For Fines
The Vineyard Haven Public Library is participating in a fine amnesty and food drive from December 16th through December 31st.
Just bring your overdue library materials back to the library along with a non-perishable food donation for the Island Food Pantry, and your fines on those overdue items will be forgiven.
Just bring your overdue library materials back to the library along with a non-perishable food donation for the Island Food Pantry, and your fines on those overdue items will be forgiven.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Library Programs Now "On Demand"

Recent library programs that are available on the website include Dr. Sheldon Hackney on Freedom, Peter Cabana on Energy, author Russ Baker, and the Island Affordable Housing Fund Community Forum.
To access the new service, go to MVTV's website http://www.mvtv.org/ and click on "video on demand" in the list at left. Users who experience difficulties should contact MVTV at 508-696-9760.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Library Holiday Hours and Events
The Vineyard Haven Public Library will be closing early at 1pm on Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th, and will be closed for the day on Friday, December 25th. The Library will also close at 1pm on Thursday, December 31st, and will be closed on New Year's Day, Friday, January 1st.
The library will be open regular hours on Saturday and Sunday for both these holiday weekends, 10am to 5:30pm on Saturdays, and noon to 4pm on Sundays.
To celebrate the season, the library will be hosting a free concert and holiday party on Wednesday, December 16th, beginning at 5:30pm. Homemade baked goods and other treats will be provided by the Friends of the Library. Please join us!
The library will be open regular hours on Saturday and Sunday for both these holiday weekends, 10am to 5:30pm on Saturdays, and noon to 4pm on Sundays.
To celebrate the season, the library will be hosting a free concert and holiday party on Wednesday, December 16th, beginning at 5:30pm. Homemade baked goods and other treats will be provided by the Friends of the Library. Please join us!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Red Stocking Fund Gift Drive
The Vineyard Haven Public Library is collecting books for The Red Stocking Fund Holiday Book Drive. Please bring your donations of new books only, for ages 0-14 to the Vineyard Haven Public Library through December 9th. If you bring back overdue library materials when you make your donation, the library will forgive your fines on the items you are returning!
The Library is also collecting donated toys. For more information, see the Red Stocking Fund display in the library display case. Since 1938, the Red Stocking fund has been distributing gifts to children from needy families. The Red Stocking Fund is expected to reach 300 children and their families this holiday season.
The Library is also collecting donated toys. For more information, see the Red Stocking Fund display in the library display case. Since 1938, the Red Stocking fund has been distributing gifts to children from needy families. The Red Stocking Fund is expected to reach 300 children and their families this holiday season.
An Easier Way to Learn a Language
Mango Languages is an online language-learning system teaching actual conversation skills. A library card, computer and Internet access are required to access the system from home.
Learning with Mango is now even easier with a new service called Mango Basic. These abbreviated courses are designed to teach simple, practical and polite conversation skills. Library patrons can choose the basic course or complete course when they login.
Mango is fun and easy to use. Vineyard Haven Public Library patrons have access to six language courses: French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and English for Brazilian Portuguese Speakers.
Learning with Mango is now even easier with a new service called Mango Basic. These abbreviated courses are designed to teach simple, practical and polite conversation skills. Library patrons can choose the basic course or complete course when they login.
Mango is fun and easy to use. Vineyard Haven Public Library patrons have access to six language courses: French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and English for Brazilian Portuguese Speakers.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Library Recognition

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Remembering Paul Newman
Beginning on Tuesday, November 24th, the library will be hosting a Paul Newman "Film Festival." We will show classic Paul Newman films from all decades of his work. There will be comedies, dramas, and mysteries. The films will feature other stars including his wife, Joanne Woodward, Robert Redford, Katherine Ross, George Kennedy, James Mason and Jackie Gleason.
Our series has been sponsored by the Newman's Own Foundation, who have generously provided popcorn, lemonade and other treats for your enjoyment. The series will continue on Tuesday evenings through December 29th. All screenings begin at 7pm. A complete schedule of films is available at the library.
Our series has been sponsored by the Newman's Own Foundation, who have generously provided popcorn, lemonade and other treats for your enjoyment. The series will continue on Tuesday evenings through December 29th. All screenings begin at 7pm. A complete schedule of films is available at the library.
Events This Week: Cooking Class, Book Sale, and Art Quilts
Just in time for cold weather comfort, Ellen Eisenberg will be sharing her recipe for chicken soup with matzoh balls. Join us on Wednesday, November 18th at 7pm for this free program.
On Saturday, November 21st from 1pm-3pm, the Friends of the Library will be hosting their monthly "mini" book sale. The Friends have recieved lots of new books since the last sale so you can get started on your holiday shopping and support the library children's programs and other work of the Friends.
On Sunday, November 22nd the Friends will present a free program starting at 2pm. Author Nora Nevin and photographer Harvey Beth will talk about the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project and their new book, "Patience to Raise the Sun: Art Quilts from Haiti and their Power to Change Women's Lives". Refreshments will be served following the talk. The "Sunday with Friends" program series will be offered monthly through the winter.
On Saturday, November 21st from 1pm-3pm, the Friends of the Library will be hosting their monthly "mini" book sale. The Friends have recieved lots of new books since the last sale so you can get started on your holiday shopping and support the library children's programs and other work of the Friends.
On Sunday, November 22nd the Friends will present a free program starting at 2pm. Author Nora Nevin and photographer Harvey Beth will talk about the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project and their new book, "Patience to Raise the Sun: Art Quilts from Haiti and their Power to Change Women's Lives". Refreshments will be served following the talk. The "Sunday with Friends" program series will be offered monthly through the winter.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Early Closing November 17th
The Library will close early at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Nov. 17th. All public access computers will be shut down at 6pm.
Tisbury voters are reminded to attend the Special Town Meeting at the Tisbury School auditorium at 7pm that evening. The Warrant is available for preview in the library and on the Tisbury Town Website.
Tisbury voters are reminded to attend the Special Town Meeting at the Tisbury School auditorium at 7pm that evening. The Warrant is available for preview in the library and on the Tisbury Town Website.
Spend your Sundays With Friends!
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library will be presenting the first of their Sunday afternoon programs for the season on Sunday, November 22nd at 2pm. Author Nora Nevin and photographer Harvey Beth will be speaking about the Haiti PeaceQuilts Project. Nora and Harvey have both contributed to the new book “Patience to Raise the Sun: Art Quilts from Haiti and their Power to Change Women’s Lives.” Learn how a few Vineyarders and their friends are trying to make a difference in the poorest country in the western hemisphere! Light refreshments will be served following the talk.
The PeaceQuilts Project is enabling Haitian women to earn a living through meaningful, creative work -- improving their lives and those of their families. The first model quilt-making cooperative is located in Lilavois, Haiti, just outside the capital of Port-au-Prince. Here, women from the community are producing one-of-a-kind original art quilts informed by Haitian imagery. They earn a daily wage plus a portion of the sale price when their quilts sell. PeaceQuilts, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, is an outgrowth of the Martha's Vineyard Fish Farm for Haiti Project, helping the poor of Haiti since 1998.
The Library will be open from noon to 4pm on Sundays throughout the winter, and the “Sunday with Friends” program series will be offered monthly. The Friends of the Vineyard Haven
Public Library is a volunteer organization that encourages public understanding of the Library's vital role in the community, supports activities for both adults and children, and provides various other volunteer services.
The PeaceQuilts Project is enabling Haitian women to earn a living through meaningful, creative work -- improving their lives and those of their families. The first model quilt-making cooperative is located in Lilavois, Haiti, just outside the capital of Port-au-Prince. Here, women from the community are producing one-of-a-kind original art quilts informed by Haitian imagery. They earn a daily wage plus a portion of the sale price when their quilts sell. PeaceQuilts, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, is an outgrowth of the Martha's Vineyard Fish Farm for Haiti Project, helping the poor of Haiti since 1998.
The Library will be open from noon to 4pm on Sundays throughout the winter, and the “Sunday with Friends” program series will be offered monthly. The Friends of the Vineyard Haven
Public Library is a volunteer organization that encourages public understanding of the Library's vital role in the community, supports activities for both adults and children, and provides various other volunteer services.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Programs This Week: Film Screening, and Dr. Sheldon Hackney
On Tuesday, November 3rd at 7pm, the library will be showing a film. This sleeper stars Kathy Bates, Rupert Everett, Dan Ackroyd, Jonathan Price and Lynn Redgrave with cameos by Julie Andrews and Barry Manilow. This delightful mix of comedy, mystery, tragedy, and drama follows Grace Beasley (Kathy Bates) who in the face of her failing marriage, and the death of her favorite pop star, learns the value and limitations of "unconditional love".
On Wednesday, November 4th at 7pm, Dr. Sheldon Hackney will present a talk entitled "The Concept of Freedom and the American National Identity." The library closes at 5:30 that evening but will reopen at 6:30pm so this event can be presented in the main room of the library. Dr. Hackney is the David Boies Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania, with special interests in the history of the South since the Civil War, the 1960s, and the American identity. He has served as president of both Tulane and the University of Pennsylvania.
On Wednesday, November 4th at 7pm, Dr. Sheldon Hackney will present a talk entitled "The Concept of Freedom and the American National Identity." The library closes at 5:30 that evening but will reopen at 6:30pm so this event can be presented in the main room of the library. Dr. Hackney is the David Boies Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania, with special interests in the history of the South since the Civil War, the 1960s, and the American identity. He has served as president of both Tulane and the University of Pennsylvania.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Preschool H1N1 Vaccination Clinic October 31st
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital will hold a free H1N1 vaccination clinic on Saturday, Oct. 31st from 9a.m. to 1 p.m. This clinic is ONLY for children born between August 31, 2004 and April 30, 2009 who are NOT enrolled in the public schools.
Parents of preschoolers are encouraged to download and complete one form for each child from the hospital’s Web site, mvhospital.com, before the clinic tomorrow, however, no preregistration is required and forms will be available at the clinic.
Parents of preschoolers are encouraged to download and complete one form for each child from the hospital’s Web site, mvhospital.com, before the clinic tomorrow, however, no preregistration is required and forms will be available at the clinic.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
November Dates to Remember
The library will be closed for the Veterans Day Holiday on Wednesday, November 11th. An All-Island Seasonal Flu Clinic will be held at the high school that day.
The library will close early at 6:30 on Tuesday, November 17th, so that staff and patrons can attend the Tisbury Special Town meeting at 7pm at the Tisbury School Auditorium.
The library will be open from 10am to 1pm on Wednesday, November 25th, and will be closed on Thanksgiving day and the day following. The library will be open regular hours both Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend.
The library will be presenting a variety of special programs throughout the month. Visit our website or stop in the library to view a detailed calendar of events!
The library will close early at 6:30 on Tuesday, November 17th, so that staff and patrons can attend the Tisbury Special Town meeting at 7pm at the Tisbury School Auditorium.
The library will be open from 10am to 1pm on Wednesday, November 25th, and will be closed on Thanksgiving day and the day following. The library will be open regular hours both Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend.
The library will be presenting a variety of special programs throughout the month. Visit our website or stop in the library to view a detailed calendar of events!
H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Information
Do you have questions about the flu? Flu.gov provides one-stop access to U.S. Government information on H1N1, avian and pandemic flu.
Most of the publicity this year has focused on the H1N1 flu (swine flu), but there are thousands of different strains of viruses that can and do cause the flu.
Both seasonal flu and H1N1 are contagious, and their symptoms are the same. Only by seeing your doctor can you be sure if you have the seasonal flu or the H1N1 virus.
Staying Healthy
The two most basic practices a person can do to help prevent catching and spreading germs and viruses are hand washing and covering your cough.
Hand Washing: People in the United States are being advised to be very diligent about hand washing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information on their web site about when and how you should wash your hands.
Covering Your Cough : Another important way to prevent the spread of diseases is to properly cover your cough. The CDC provides information on covering your cough.
Other Healthy Practices: There are several other steps the CDC recommends as ways to prevent the spread of flu and other diseases:
- Avoid close contact with those who are sick or when you are sick
- Stay home when you are sick. Keep your children home if they are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Practice other health habits of getting plenty of sleep, being physically active, drinking plenty of fluids and eat nutritious foods.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): information on the Seasonal Flu and H1N1 (Swine) Flu
Martha's Vineyard Hospital: Flu Information page includes updates on vaccinations.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH): Flu Website includes Frequently Asked Questions about Seasonal Flu and H1N1 (Swine) Flu; and Factsheets in English and Portuguese.
Massachusetts Public Flu Clinic Finder: http://flu.masspro.org/clinic/ flu locator web site listing public flu clinics in Massachusetts.
Medline Plus: Flu information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
All-Island Seasonal Flu Immunization Clinic (Nov. 11, 2009): Information and Registration Form.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The New Emergency Services Facility
On Tuesday, October 27th at 7pm, Joe Tierney, Jeff Pratt, Chief John Shilling will present a program outlining the design and plans for the new Tisbury Emergency Services Building to be constructed on Spring Street, near the Tisbury Elementary School. The building will house the town’s fire trucks and engines, ambulances and related apparatus and have a meeting room large enough to hold public meetings. The building has been designed by an architectural firm with input from all constituencies including the Fire Department, Ambulance Service, Board of Selectmen, Tisbury School and PTA, and the general public at two public hearings during early phases of the design.
The presentation will include time for comments and questions. The plans will be presented to voters at Town Meeting, November 17th. Pictures of the proposed design are available on the Tisbury Town Website.
The presentation will include time for comments and questions. The plans will be presented to voters at Town Meeting, November 17th. Pictures of the proposed design are available on the Tisbury Town Website.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Looking for a Flu Clinic?
Looking for a Flu Clinic? http://flu.masspro.org/clinic/ is a flu locator web site that lists public flu clinics in Massachusetts. Currently, the clinics listed are providing season flu immunizations and some clinics are offering pneumococcal (“pneumonia”) immunizations.
The site also has links to the most current information on both seasonal and H1N1 vaccines from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the CDC. When it becomes available, the site will list public clinics that provide H1N1 swine flu immunizations.
Also, a seasonal flu immunization clinic for adults age 18 and older will be held on Wednesday, November 11, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School. Vehicles must register at one of two staging areas at Waban Park in Oak Bluffs or at the Ag Hall in West Tisbury. Those arriving by bicycle, on foot or by public transportation may report directly to the high school.
It is recommended that you attend this clinic if you: are 50 years of age or older; an adult under age 50 with a chronic medical condition being treated by a physician; will be pregnant during the flu season; or if you are a health care worker or first responder with direct patient contact. A registration form is required; pick one up at the library, or download and print the online version.
The site also has links to the most current information on both seasonal and H1N1 vaccines from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the CDC. When it becomes available, the site will list public clinics that provide H1N1 swine flu immunizations.
Also, a seasonal flu immunization clinic for adults age 18 and older will be held on Wednesday, November 11, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School. Vehicles must register at one of two staging areas at Waban Park in Oak Bluffs or at the Ag Hall in West Tisbury. Those arriving by bicycle, on foot or by public transportation may report directly to the high school.
It is recommended that you attend this clinic if you: are 50 years of age or older; an adult under age 50 with a chronic medical condition being treated by a physician; will be pregnant during the flu season; or if you are a health care worker or first responder with direct patient contact. A registration form is required; pick one up at the library, or download and print the online version.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October Dates to Remember
Monday, October 12th, the library will be closed for the Columbus Day holiday.
On Saturday, October 17th, the Friends of the Library will hold their monthly "mini" book sale at the library, from 1pm-3pm.
Sunday, October 18, will be the first Sunday of the season that the library will be open. The library will be open from noon-4pm throughout the winter, except for a few holiday weekends. To celebrate, the Friends of the Library will host an open house beginning at noon on Sunday, with light refreshments. There will also be an "encore" of the Friends mini book sale, from 1-3pm.
The library will be presenting a variety of special programs throughout the month. Visit our website or stop in the library to view a detailed calendar of events!
On Saturday, October 17th, the Friends of the Library will hold their monthly "mini" book sale at the library, from 1pm-3pm.
Sunday, October 18, will be the first Sunday of the season that the library will be open. The library will be open from noon-4pm throughout the winter, except for a few holiday weekends. To celebrate, the Friends of the Library will host an open house beginning at noon on Sunday, with light refreshments. There will also be an "encore" of the Friends mini book sale, from 1-3pm.
The library will be presenting a variety of special programs throughout the month. Visit our website or stop in the library to view a detailed calendar of events!
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Message From the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
From: Robert C. Maier, Director of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
To: Massachusetts Libraries and Library Users
The Board of Library Commissioners budget cap for FY2011 is a 16% reduction in total funding from this year (FY2010). This is a much more dramatic cut than we have been required to take at this point in the budget-making process than in preceding years, and the resulting reductions in program funding require Board direction.
In order to assure that the library community can comment on the potential impacts of this budget, the location of the October 1 Board meeting has been changed to the Sargent Memorial Library in Boxborough. The regular monthly meeting will be called to order at 10:00 and run until about 11:30. At that time the Board will take a half hour break and at Noon convene a budget comment session. Please take this opportunity to comment to the Board on how to direct a 16% budget cut. The Board asks that speakers limit their presentations to 5 minutes to assure that all who wish to be heard have that opportunity. Written comments for the record are requested and electronic versions of comments are most useful. It is not necessary to appear in person to comment. Comments may be submitted to robert.maier@state.ma.us.
To give a sense of the magnitude of this reduction, one option under consideration is: reduce funding to regions and library of last recourse by 28% (use the remainder of this fiscal year to develop a consolidation plan with the regions), reduce funding to automated networks by 27%, reduce funding to the talking book programs by 16%, level fund State Aid to Public Libraries and the agency administrative account. Clearly, each of these is challenging for the Board, for our libraries and for the residents we serve.
Please take these opportunities to let us know what you think. The Board can make the best possible budget recommendations only after hearing from a broad segment of the library community. This is going to be a very challenging year for all of us and there is no end in sight to the fiscal challenges facing the Commonwealth. Revenues continue to decline and federal stimulus funds used to balance the FY2010 budget will not be available in FY2011. The road back will be rocky at best, so the changes we make in FY2011 should be viewed as permanent.
The Board will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, October 6 at the agency offices beginning at 10:00am. The purpose of this special meeting is to consider the comments received on October 1 and determine how to meet the 16% reduction. The Board’s budget submission which must meet the cap is due October 9.
Robert C. Maier, Director
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
98 North Washington Street, Suite 401
Boston, MA 02114
Ph (617) 725-1860 x249
To: Massachusetts Libraries and Library Users
The Board of Library Commissioners budget cap for FY2011 is a 16% reduction in total funding from this year (FY2010). This is a much more dramatic cut than we have been required to take at this point in the budget-making process than in preceding years, and the resulting reductions in program funding require Board direction.
In order to assure that the library community can comment on the potential impacts of this budget, the location of the October 1 Board meeting has been changed to the Sargent Memorial Library in Boxborough. The regular monthly meeting will be called to order at 10:00 and run until about 11:30. At that time the Board will take a half hour break and at Noon convene a budget comment session. Please take this opportunity to comment to the Board on how to direct a 16% budget cut. The Board asks that speakers limit their presentations to 5 minutes to assure that all who wish to be heard have that opportunity. Written comments for the record are requested and electronic versions of comments are most useful. It is not necessary to appear in person to comment. Comments may be submitted to robert.maier@state.ma.us.
To give a sense of the magnitude of this reduction, one option under consideration is: reduce funding to regions and library of last recourse by 28% (use the remainder of this fiscal year to develop a consolidation plan with the regions), reduce funding to automated networks by 27%, reduce funding to the talking book programs by 16%, level fund State Aid to Public Libraries and the agency administrative account. Clearly, each of these is challenging for the Board, for our libraries and for the residents we serve.
Please take these opportunities to let us know what you think. The Board can make the best possible budget recommendations only after hearing from a broad segment of the library community. This is going to be a very challenging year for all of us and there is no end in sight to the fiscal challenges facing the Commonwealth. Revenues continue to decline and federal stimulus funds used to balance the FY2010 budget will not be available in FY2011. The road back will be rocky at best, so the changes we make in FY2011 should be viewed as permanent.
The Board will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, October 6 at the agency offices beginning at 10:00am. The purpose of this special meeting is to consider the comments received on October 1 and determine how to meet the 16% reduction. The Board’s budget submission which must meet the cap is due October 9.
Robert C. Maier, Director
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
98 North Washington Street, Suite 401
Boston, MA 02114
Ph (617) 725-1860 x249
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Draft Ocean Management Plan Now Available
The library now has two printed copies of the draft of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan available for review. The plan is the subject of the public hearing at 6pm tonight at the Katharine Cornell Theater.
The draft is also available online from the Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Members of the public may also request a printed copy of the draft plan by sending an email to czm@state.ma.us.
The draft is also available online from the Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Members of the public may also request a printed copy of the draft plan by sending an email to czm@state.ma.us.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Events Added to Library Schedule
Tuesday, September 22nd, at 7:00 PM
Jeanne Campbell: The Galapogos
Following in the footsteps of Darwin, the Campbell family set out on an excursion sailing from island to island in the Archipiélago de Colón (Galapagos Islands). Stopping at the various islands, Jeanne Campbell documented their discoveries. Jeanne will present her slide show and talk about the Galapagos including shots of Lonely George, the giant tortoise that is the last of his species.
Wednesday, September 23rd, at 7:00 PM
Film Screening
The library has extended the series of films featuring performances by older adults. Based on a true story, Helen Mirren stars in this comedy about a group of Yorkshire women who produce a nude calendar to raise money for leukemia research under the auspices of the Women's Institute. "They dropped everything for a good cause."
Tuesday, September 29th, at 7:00 PM
Peter Cabana: Wind Economics 101
This lecture will begin with the basics of wind generated electricity and then follow up with what has happened in Europe, and plans for the United States and Massachusetts. Pete will leave plenty of time to discuss The Massachusetts Oceans Management Plan, which outlines areas to build large-scale commercial wind farms, and the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act, which would streamline approval of land-based wind turbines around the state.
Jeanne Campbell: The Galapogos
Following in the footsteps of Darwin, the Campbell family set out on an excursion sailing from island to island in the Archipiélago de Colón (Galapagos Islands). Stopping at the various islands, Jeanne Campbell documented their discoveries. Jeanne will present her slide show and talk about the Galapagos including shots of Lonely George, the giant tortoise that is the last of his species.
Wednesday, September 23rd, at 7:00 PM
Film Screening
The library has extended the series of films featuring performances by older adults. Based on a true story, Helen Mirren stars in this comedy about a group of Yorkshire women who produce a nude calendar to raise money for leukemia research under the auspices of the Women's Institute. "They dropped everything for a good cause."
Tuesday, September 29th, at 7:00 PM
Peter Cabana: Wind Economics 101
This lecture will begin with the basics of wind generated electricity and then follow up with what has happened in Europe, and plans for the United States and Massachusetts. Pete will leave plenty of time to discuss The Massachusetts Oceans Management Plan, which outlines areas to build large-scale commercial wind farms, and the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act, which would streamline approval of land-based wind turbines around the state.
Please Complete the Library Survey
The Vineyard Haven Public Library has been awarded a grant to participate in the EqualAccess Libraries program, to develop programs, collections and services for life-long learning. Please assist the Library in fulfilling the requirements of the grant by completing a brief survey, available online or at the library circulation desk.
The Library’s EqualAccess program is funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. EqualAccess Libraries is a professional development program sponsored by Libraries for the Future (LFF).
The Library’s EqualAccess program is funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. EqualAccess Libraries is a professional development program sponsored by Libraries for the Future (LFF).
Draft Ocean Management Plan
The Oceans Act of 2008 requires the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs to develop a comprehensive ocean management plan by December 31, 2009. The public comment period on the draft plan is now open and will close at 5:00 pm on November 23. A public hearing on the draft plan will be held in Vineyard Haven on Wednesday, September 23rd, at 6pm at the Katharine Cornell Theater.
The library does not yet have printed copies of the draft plan, but it is available online from the Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
The library does not yet have printed copies of the draft plan, but it is available online from the Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Road Race Results!
Congratulations to Douglas McLucas of Westborough, the overall winner of the Friends of the Library 12th annual 5k Run to the Chop! Julie McLucas also of Westborough was the first place female.
Larry Czaplewski of West Caldwell, N.J., placed second overall, and Todd Cleland of Oak Bluffs was third. Eleven-year-old Silas Berlin of West Tisbury tied for fourth place with Mark Johnson of Edgartown.
Complete results are available on www.coolrunning.com
Larry Czaplewski of West Caldwell, N.J., placed second overall, and Todd Cleland of Oak Bluffs was third. Eleven-year-old Silas Berlin of West Tisbury tied for fourth place with Mark Johnson of Edgartown.
Complete results are available on www.coolrunning.com
5k Race,
Library News,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
September Dates to Remember
Monday, September 7th, the library will be closed for the Labor Day holiday.
Sunday, September 13, the Friends of the Library will host the annual Race for the Library. Sign up online at www.needtorace.com, or download and print the registration form from our website.
Saturday, September 19th, the Friends of the Library will host their monthly "mini" book sale at the library, from 1pm-3pm.
The library will be presenting a variety of lectures, classes, author appearances, and other special programs throughout the month. Visit our website or stop in the library to view a detailed calendar of events!
Sunday, September 13, the Friends of the Library will host the annual Race for the Library. Sign up online at www.needtorace.com, or download and print the registration form from our website.
Saturday, September 19th, the Friends of the Library will host their monthly "mini" book sale at the library, from 1pm-3pm.
The library will be presenting a variety of lectures, classes, author appearances, and other special programs throughout the month. Visit our website or stop in the library to view a detailed calendar of events!
5k Race,
Library News,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Films Added to Library Schedule
Our series of films featuring older adults will continue on Tuesday evenings through September 8th. The final two films in our current series were suggested by our patrons:
Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 7pm:
Jack Nicholson won a Golden Globe Award for his portrayal of Warren Schmidt, a man forced to deal with an ambiguous future as he enters retirement. Also starring Hope Davis and Kathy Bates, this film is Rated R.
Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7pm:
Prepare to be entranced by the inspiring story of the Young at Heart Chorus, a group of senior citizens who perform contemporary and classic rock and pop songs. The members of this choral group, whose average age is 81, often must overcome health adversities to participate. But as you’ll see, they convincingly and joyously prove you’re never too old to rock.
Tuesday, Sept. 1 at 7pm:
Jack Nicholson won a Golden Globe Award for his portrayal of Warren Schmidt, a man forced to deal with an ambiguous future as he enters retirement. Also starring Hope Davis and Kathy Bates, this film is Rated R.
Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7pm:
Prepare to be entranced by the inspiring story of the Young at Heart Chorus, a group of senior citizens who perform contemporary and classic rock and pop songs. The members of this choral group, whose average age is 81, often must overcome health adversities to participate. But as you’ll see, they convincingly and joyously prove you’re never too old to rock.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Library Renewal Begins
In April 2009, Tisbury voters passed Question 9, for much-needed repairs to the exterior of the library building. The approved work will begin in September. All gutters will be replaced and repairs will be made to the trim, and the trim and shutters will be repainted.
The library will update patrons at regular intervals about the progress of the work, which should not have any effect on access to the library by the public. Photographs of the work in progress will be posted on the library's Facebook page.
The library will update patrons at regular intervals about the progress of the work, which should not have any effect on access to the library by the public. Photographs of the work in progress will be posted on the library's Facebook page.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Library Film Series
On Tuesday evenings in August the library will be showing a series of films about older adults. This series is being offered as part of the Equal Access Libraries grant program, funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. All screenings begin at 7pm.
On Tuesday, August 11th the library will be screening a 1994 comedy-drama starring Paul Newman, Jessica Tandy, Bruce Willis, Melanie Griffith, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. In this affectionate story of small town life in upstate New York, Sully (Newman) is a cheerful curmudgeon who has made a lifetime of bad decisions. He unexpectedly has a chance to make some of them right when his estranged son and grandson drop back into his life. Often considered one of Paul Newman's best films, this was Jessica Tandy's last film.
On Tuesday, August 18th join us for director David Lynch’s lyrical portrait of one man's real journey across America's heartland. The film is based on the true story of 73-year-old Alvin Straight, who embarks on a dangerous and emotional journey to make amends with his 75-year-old brother. Filmed along the 260-mile route that the actual Alvin Straight traversed on a 1966 John Deere lawnmower, the film chronicles Alvin's patient odyssey and those he meets along the way. The film stars Sissy Spacek, Harry Dean Stanton, and Richard Farnsworth, who was nominated for a best-actor Oscar for his role.
On Tuesday, August 25th the library will show a 1990 film by Academy Award winner Cynthia Scott. Seven older women become stranded at a deserted farmhouse, miles from civilization. They don't have much food, or a decent place to sleep. Or much in common. But these surprising, remarkable women turn a crisis into a magical time of humor and spirit. New York Newsday called the film "One of the most exhilarating movies ever made about people who've grown old but remain ageless inside."
On Tuesday, August 11th the library will be screening a 1994 comedy-drama starring Paul Newman, Jessica Tandy, Bruce Willis, Melanie Griffith, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. In this affectionate story of small town life in upstate New York, Sully (Newman) is a cheerful curmudgeon who has made a lifetime of bad decisions. He unexpectedly has a chance to make some of them right when his estranged son and grandson drop back into his life. Often considered one of Paul Newman's best films, this was Jessica Tandy's last film.
On Tuesday, August 18th join us for director David Lynch’s lyrical portrait of one man's real journey across America's heartland. The film is based on the true story of 73-year-old Alvin Straight, who embarks on a dangerous and emotional journey to make amends with his 75-year-old brother. Filmed along the 260-mile route that the actual Alvin Straight traversed on a 1966 John Deere lawnmower, the film chronicles Alvin's patient odyssey and those he meets along the way. The film stars Sissy Spacek, Harry Dean Stanton, and Richard Farnsworth, who was nominated for a best-actor Oscar for his role.
On Tuesday, August 25th the library will show a 1990 film by Academy Award winner Cynthia Scott. Seven older women become stranded at a deserted farmhouse, miles from civilization. They don't have much food, or a decent place to sleep. Or much in common. But these surprising, remarkable women turn a crisis into a magical time of humor and spirit. New York Newsday called the film "One of the most exhilarating movies ever made about people who've grown old but remain ageless inside."
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot: "The Third Chapter"
On Thursday, August 13th at 7pm, Dr. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, a MacArthur prize-winning sociologist, and the author of the new book "The Third Chapter: Risk, Passion, and Adventure in the 25 Years After 50," will be speaking at the library. There will be a reception following the lecture and her book will be available for purchase through the Friends of the Library. The library will be closing early that evening (6 pm) to set up for the lecture in the main room of the library.
This library program is made possible by the Library's EqualAccess grant, funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
This library program is made possible by the Library's EqualAccess grant, funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Friends Road Race
Registration is now open for the 12th Annual 5k Run/Walk for the Library & 1/2 Mile Fun Run for Kids. This event will take place at the library on September 13th. The 5k will start at 10 am; the Fun Run for Kids (13 & under) will start at 9:45 am; and registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Registration forms are available at the library. You can also sign up online at www.needtorace.com, or download and print registration form.
There will be prizes for all ages, and proceeds from this event will help support library programs sponsored by the Friends.
Registration forms are available at the library. You can also sign up online at www.needtorace.com, or download and print registration form.
There will be prizes for all ages, and proceeds from this event will help support library programs sponsored by the Friends.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Book Club Recommendations
While you're waiting your turn for the latest bestseller, why not check out one of the books recommended by The Vineyard Haven Library Book Discussion Group? A printed list of these titles is available from the library circulation desk.
The Group meets at 1:30pm on the third Thursday of each month to talk about a fiction or nonfiction book selection. This month's book is "The Air We Breathe" by Andrea Barrett.
The Group meets at 1:30pm on the third Thursday of each month to talk about a fiction or nonfiction book selection. This month's book is "The Air We Breathe" by Andrea Barrett.
Monday, July 13, 2009
An Afternoon with David McCullough
On Sunday July 12th, a crowd of more than 250 gathered in the library garden for an event honoring author David McCullough. Mr. McCullough read "Voyagers", a chapter from his unfinished book on Americans in Paris.
In his opening remarks, Mr. McCullough commented on the importance of libraries, and also noted that this was the first time he has performed a public reading of an unfinished book.
At the reception following the reading, attendees shared homemade cookies and lemonade provided by the Friends of the Library, who sponsored this event. Additional coverage of this event appears in a front page article of the July 14th edition of the Vineyard Gazette.
In his opening remarks, Mr. McCullough commented on the importance of libraries, and also noted that this was the first time he has performed a public reading of an unfinished book.
At the reception following the reading, attendees shared homemade cookies and lemonade provided by the Friends of the Library, who sponsored this event. Additional coverage of this event appears in a front page article of the July 14th edition of the Vineyard Gazette.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A New Way to Learn a Language!
The Vineyard Haven Public Library now provides a new way to learn a language! Mango Languages is an online language-learning system teaching actual conversation skills. A library card, computer and Internet access are required to access the system from home. Library patrons have access to six language courses: French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and English for Brazilian Portuguese Speakers. To get started, visit the library homepage and click on the Mango icon to begin!
Library News,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Getting Into Genealogy
On Friday, July 10th, from 10am-noon, the library will offer a free class called "Getting Into Genealogy". This two-hour workshop will provide sufficient information about how to get started in genealogy and family history. The workshop will be presented by Patricia M. Stano-Carpenter, President of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
Please register online through the library event calendar, or contact the library (508) 696-4210.
The library is offering the class as part of the EqualAccess Grant Program, funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Library recently used grant funds to purchase the Ancestry Library Edition database, a genealogy database for use by library patrons, and a new collection of genealogy books.
Please register online through the library event calendar, or contact the library (508) 696-4210.
The library is offering the class as part of the EqualAccess Grant Program, funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners with funds from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), a Federal source of library funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Library recently used grant funds to purchase the Ancestry Library Edition database, a genealogy database for use by library patrons, and a new collection of genealogy books.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Good News for iPod Users!
Upgrade to OverDrive Media Console version 3.2 and most titles in our WMA Audiobook collection will instantly become compatible with your iPod and other Apple devices for users with Windows PCs. OverDrive Media Console version 3.2 is free!
Titles in MP3 format are compatible with MAC computers and most portable devices including iPods. See the 'Plays on' icons next to each title for compatibility information.
OverDrive is a new collection of downloadable digital media available through participating libraries in the CLAMS network, including Vineyard Haven.
To get started, browse the OverDrive Digital Catalog, then use your CLAMS card to check out an audiobook, ebook, or music title to download and play on your home PC or portable audio device. Selected titles can also be burned to CD.
For more information, ask a Vineyard Haven library staff member, or visit the Digital Help section of the OverDrive website.
Titles in MP3 format are compatible with MAC computers and most portable devices including iPods. See the 'Plays on' icons next to each title for compatibility information.
OverDrive is a new collection of downloadable digital media available through participating libraries in the CLAMS network, including Vineyard Haven.
To get started, browse the OverDrive Digital Catalog, then use your CLAMS card to check out an audiobook, ebook, or music title to download and play on your home PC or portable audio device. Selected titles can also be burned to CD.
For more information, ask a Vineyard Haven library staff member, or visit the Digital Help section of the OverDrive website.
Library News,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Events Added to Library Schedule!
The library has added some additional events to our series celebrating the popular culture of India. On Tuesday, June 23, at 7PM, Kiran and Latika Chihbber will present dancing from India and the special music that goes with it. They will be wearing their beautiful traditional garments, and audience members who wish to will have an opportunity to participate.
On Thursday, June 25th at 7pm, the library will be screening a classic film from acclaimed Indian director Satyajit Ray. This first film in a trilogy tells the story of Apu, a boy from a poor Brahmin family in a village in Bengal.
Details for these and other programs are available on the library's Event Calendar.
On Thursday, June 25th at 7pm, the library will be screening a classic film from acclaimed Indian director Satyajit Ray. This first film in a trilogy tells the story of Apu, a boy from a poor Brahmin family in a village in Bengal.
Details for these and other programs are available on the library's Event Calendar.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Library Cultural Programs
The library's month-long celebration of the culture of India continues with a variety events including films, workshops and performances. Details for all of these free events are available on the library event calendar.
In addition, the library will host a Thai history talk and cooking demonstration on Saturday, June 20th at 2pm. This will accompany a celebration of the Trail of Thai Royalty Day on Martha’s Vineyard. A plaque will be placed at 2 locations on West Chop. The plaques on this trail honor Thailand’s longest reigning monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The plaques will be placed on Sunday, June 21st. Advance registration is required for the library cooking program.
In addition, the library will host a Thai history talk and cooking demonstration on Saturday, June 20th at 2pm. This will accompany a celebration of the Trail of Thai Royalty Day on Martha’s Vineyard. A plaque will be placed at 2 locations on West Chop. The plaques on this trail honor Thailand’s longest reigning monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The plaques will be placed on Sunday, June 21st. Advance registration is required for the library cooking program.
Monday, June 1, 2009
June Events: Popular Culture of India
The library is hosting a month-long exploration of Indian cultural topics in June. The series begins on Tuesday June 2nd at 7pm, with a screening of the 2009 Best Picture Oscar winner, a film about a teenager from the slums of Mumbai who becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire."
On Tuesday, June 9th at 7pm, guest lecturer Kara Baer will talk about the Bollywood film phenomenon. On Tuesday, June 16th from 6pm-9:45pm the library will be showing a Bollywood epic about the people of a small village in Victorian India who stake their future on a game of cricket against their ruthless British rulers.
On Sunday, June 14th at 2pm, Nancy Shai from Body Art will present a henna workshop in the garden. Priya Datta will demonstrate Indian cooking techniques on Wednesday, June 24th at 7pm. (Advance registration will be required for this event).
Our series on India will conclude with a performance on Saturday, June 27th at 2pm. The Spindrift Marionettes will present “The Butter Thief”, a story from the childhood of Krishna.
On Tuesday, June 9th at 7pm, guest lecturer Kara Baer will talk about the Bollywood film phenomenon. On Tuesday, June 16th from 6pm-9:45pm the library will be showing a Bollywood epic about the people of a small village in Victorian India who stake their future on a game of cricket against their ruthless British rulers.
On Sunday, June 14th at 2pm, Nancy Shai from Body Art will present a henna workshop in the garden. Priya Datta will demonstrate Indian cooking techniques on Wednesday, June 24th at 7pm. (Advance registration will be required for this event).
Our series on India will conclude with a performance on Saturday, June 27th at 2pm. The Spindrift Marionettes will present “The Butter Thief”, a story from the childhood of Krishna.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"Mini" Book Sale
This Saturday, May 30th, The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library will host a “mini” book sale from noon-2pm, with books, audiobooks, and VHS movies for kids, teens and adults.
The Friends will host additional book sales throughout the year, so you don't have to wait for the annual Fall sale. Proceeds from the sale will help support the Library Children’s Program, Summer Reading Program, Sunday Programs, and other Friends-sponsored events.
The Friends will host additional book sales throughout the year, so you don't have to wait for the annual Fall sale. Proceeds from the sale will help support the Library Children’s Program, Summer Reading Program, Sunday Programs, and other Friends-sponsored events.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Day in Tisbury
On Monday, May 25th the library will be closed in observance of Memorial Day. Join your neighbors at the Memorial Day Picnic on the grounds of the Tisbury Water Works on West Spring Street from noon until 4pm.
There will be free lemonade and ice cream, and grills are provided. Entertainment will include games, pony rides, rowboating, and performances by the Flying Elbows and Tristan Israel.
There will be free lemonade and ice cream, and grills are provided. Entertainment will include games, pony rides, rowboating, and performances by the Flying Elbows and Tristan Israel.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Schedule Changes for Library Meetings
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library usually meet at 1pm on the fourth Monday of the month, but will meet on May 18th this month due to the Memorial Day holiday. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Friends and their activities.
Also this month the Board of Library Trustees will be meeting on Wednesday, May 27th, at 5:30pm. The Trustees usually meet on the third Wednesday of each month, and these meetings are open to the public.
Also this month the Board of Library Trustees will be meeting on Wednesday, May 27th, at 5:30pm. The Trustees usually meet on the third Wednesday of each month, and these meetings are open to the public.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It's a Great Time to Visit the New England Aquarium!
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library still have discount admission passes available through June 30th for the New England Aquarium.
Each pass will admit up to 4 visitors at a reduced admission of $8.00 per person, payable at the Aquarium. (Regular admission prices are $19.95 for adults, $11.95 for children, and $17.95 for seniors.)
Passes are available for each day that the Aquarium is open through June 30th, and must be used on the date specified. Passes may be picked up at the Library circulation desk. Call the library for more information or to check on available dates.
The Aquarium is located at 1 Central Wharf in Boston, phone number (617) 973-5200. The Aquarium is open weekdays 9am-5pm, and weekends 9am-6pm (through June 30).
Each pass will admit up to 4 visitors at a reduced admission of $8.00 per person, payable at the Aquarium. (Regular admission prices are $19.95 for adults, $11.95 for children, and $17.95 for seniors.)
Passes are available for each day that the Aquarium is open through June 30th, and must be used on the date specified. Passes may be picked up at the Library circulation desk. Call the library for more information or to check on available dates.
The Aquarium is located at 1 Central Wharf in Boston, phone number (617) 973-5200. The Aquarium is open weekdays 9am-5pm, and weekends 9am-6pm (through June 30).
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Annual Election Results
Congratulations to new Vineyard Haven Library Trustee Pamela Street, who was elected April 28th along with incumbants Nan Carter and Jo Weinberg.
Thank you to Tisbury voters who passed Question 9 on the ballot, for much-needed repairs to the exterior of the library building.
Thank you to Tisbury voters who passed Question 9 on the ballot, for much-needed repairs to the exterior of the library building.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Annual Town Election: Library Issues
This year four candidates will compete for three, three-year seats as library trustees, including Anna Marie D'Addarie, Pamela Street, and incumbents Nan Carter and Jo Weinberg.
On April 22nd, the League of Women's Voters of MV will host a Candidate's Forum at the Tisbury Senior Center. Each candidate will make opening remarks, to be followed by a question and answer period. Contested candidates will be allowed to ask questions of each other after the public has had an opportunity to question them. Tisbury's annual town election is April 28.
Also on the ballot is Question #9: Shall the Town of Tisbury be allowed to assess an additional $40,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of repairing and repainting all exterior wood surfaces of the Vineyard Haven Public Library and to replace all rain gutters of the building, for the fiscal year beginning July first two thousand and nine?
On April 22nd, the League of Women's Voters of MV will host a Candidate's Forum at the Tisbury Senior Center. Each candidate will make opening remarks, to be followed by a question and answer period. Contested candidates will be allowed to ask questions of each other after the public has had an opportunity to question them. Tisbury's annual town election is April 28.
Also on the ballot is Question #9: Shall the Town of Tisbury be allowed to assess an additional $40,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of repairing and repainting all exterior wood surfaces of the Vineyard Haven Public Library and to replace all rain gutters of the building, for the fiscal year beginning July first two thousand and nine?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Last Minute Tax Info!
Many Federal and State tax forms and instruction books, including the 1040, 1040EZ, 1040A, and associated schedules, are available at the library. If there’s a form we don’t have, you can print a copy of the form from the IRS website at the library at no charge (instruction books excluded).
Taxpayers who need more time to complete their returns can get an automatic six-month extension of time to file their tax returns by filing Form 4868, Automatic Extension of Time to File. The extension gives taxpayers until Oct. 15 to file the tax return An extension does not give the taxpayer an extension of time to pay, but the IRS does offer some payment options.
This year, anyone, regardless of income, can e-file their extensions at no cost from a home computer using IRS traditional FreeFile or FreeFile Fillable Forms. For more information, visit IRS.gov.
Taxpayers who need more time to complete their returns can get an automatic six-month extension of time to file their tax returns by filing Form 4868, Automatic Extension of Time to File. The extension gives taxpayers until Oct. 15 to file the tax return An extension does not give the taxpayer an extension of time to pay, but the IRS does offer some payment options.
This year, anyone, regardless of income, can e-file their extensions at no cost from a home computer using IRS traditional FreeFile or FreeFile Fillable Forms. For more information, visit IRS.gov.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Earth Day Drawing!
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library have made available reusable polypropylene bags featuring the library logo, to help reduce the use of plastic bags by library patrons. The Friends of the library have contributed to make the bags available for only $1. The colorful eco-friendly bags can be used to carry books and DVDs home from the library, or may be used for groceries and other personal items.
This year, in honor of Earth Day and National Library Week, the Friends are offering an additional incentive to purchase the bags. Purchase a bag for $1 between April 6th and April 22nd, and you may enter a drawing to win a limited-edition sterling silver library charm. The charms are also available for sale at the library for $74.99, with proceeds supporting the Friends work on behalf of the library.
The Drawing will be held on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2009.
Sales of the bags and charms help support Library Children’s Programs, the Summer Reading Program, and other Friends-sponsored events.
This year, in honor of Earth Day and National Library Week, the Friends are offering an additional incentive to purchase the bags. Purchase a bag for $1 between April 6th and April 22nd, and you may enter a drawing to win a limited-edition sterling silver library charm. The charms are also available for sale at the library for $74.99, with proceeds supporting the Friends work on behalf of the library.
The Drawing will be held on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2009.
Sales of the bags and charms help support Library Children’s Programs, the Summer Reading Program, and other Friends-sponsored events.
Special Time for Island History Program
Ann C. Allen's "Short Course in Island History" will be at a special time for the next two weeks due to the Tisbury town meetings.
The class will meet on Mondays at 6:15 on April 6th and 13th, then will return to Tuesday nights on April 21st and 28th.
The final class will be Saturday morning at 9am, featuring guest speakers Kent Healy and June Manning.
The class will meet on Mondays at 6:15 on April 6th and 13th, then will return to Tuesday nights on April 21st and 28th.
The final class will be Saturday morning at 9am, featuring guest speakers Kent Healy and June Manning.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
"Mini" Book Sale Sunday
This Sunday, April 5th, The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library will host a “mini” book sale from 1pm-3pm, with books, audiobooks, and VHS movies for kids, teens and adults.
The sale will take place in the Library Program Room, and there will be free coffee provided by Mocha Motts!
The Friends will host additional book sales throughout the year, so you don't have to wait for the annual Fall sale.
The Library will be open from noon until 4pm for the last time this season, but Sunday hours will resume in the Fall.
The sale will take place in the Library Program Room, and there will be free coffee provided by Mocha Motts!
The Friends will host additional book sales throughout the year, so you don't have to wait for the annual Fall sale.
The Library will be open from noon until 4pm for the last time this season, but Sunday hours will resume in the Fall.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Yes We Can! (Complete a Puzzle)
Our patrons have completed the Library's first, (challenging) "Community Puzzle", featuring Barack Obama. Our new (easier) puzzle is now underway.
The puzzles have been donated by the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library. Stop in the Vineyard Room to add a few pieces on your next visit!
The puzzles have been donated by the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library. Stop in the Vineyard Room to add a few pieces on your next visit!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Library Holding National Poetry Month Contest
April is National Poetry Month, and the Vineyard Haven library is issuing a call to all Island poets who would like their work shown in the library’s main display case.
Poets may submit a maximum of three poems. They should leave their names off the poems, but include another sheet of paper with their names, phone numbers, and the titles of the poems.
Poems can be left in a box on the Friends’ table just inside the main entrance of the library.
Poems to be displayed will be chosen by the library staff, and will be rotated frequently throughout the month so that as many poets can be shown as is possible.
Submission deadline is Tuesday, March 31.
Poets may submit a maximum of three poems. They should leave their names off the poems, but include another sheet of paper with their names, phone numbers, and the titles of the poems.
Poems can be left in a box on the Friends’ table just inside the main entrance of the library.
Poems to be displayed will be chosen by the library staff, and will be rotated frequently throughout the month so that as many poets can be shown as is possible.
Submission deadline is Tuesday, March 31.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New Books by Local Authors
If you missed one of these authors' recent events at the library, you can still check out their books from CLAMS:
Walking the precipice : witness to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, by Barbara Bick
Check the library catalog
War lessons : how I fought to be a hero and learned that war is terror, by John Merson
Check the library catalog
The mud of the place : a novel, by Susanna J. Sturgis
Check the library catalog
For information on upcoming programs, visit the Library Event Calendar.
Walking the precipice : witness to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, by Barbara Bick
Check the library catalog
War lessons : how I fought to be a hero and learned that war is terror, by John Merson
Check the library catalog
The mud of the place : a novel, by Susanna J. Sturgis
Check the library catalog
For information on upcoming programs, visit the Library Event Calendar.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Vineyard Haven Library gains national recognition
We're happy to share that the Vineyard Haven Public Library has been named one of 256 "star" libraries (out of 7,115 rated) in Library Journal's new national rating of public libraries. The rating is based on four public service indicators from 2006 data collected by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. There are 11 "star" libraries in Massachusetts, also including West Tisbury Library on Martha's Vineyard. More information is available in the February 15th issue of Library Journal, on the Web at http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6629180.html
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sunday Hours Extended!
The Library will continue to be open on Sundays through April 5th. We'll be open from noon to 4pm, serving free coffee provided by Mocha Motts.
Sunday programs are also ongoing. On Sunday March 22nd at 2pm we'll be screening the documentary feature "Rescuing Emmanuel. The filmmakers will be present to discuss their work and answer questions.
Also on Sunday, April 5th, the Friends of the Library will put on a "mini" book sale.
Sunday programs are also ongoing. On Sunday March 22nd at 2pm we'll be screening the documentary feature "Rescuing Emmanuel. The filmmakers will be present to discuss their work and answer questions.
Also on Sunday, April 5th, the Friends of the Library will put on a "mini" book sale.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Island Libraries Give Away MP3 Players!
The Edgartown, Oak Bluffs and Vineyard Haven Public Libraries are promoting a new audio book and music download service by giving away MP3 Players. Patrons of the 27 participating CLAMS libraries that use the digital download service during the month of March are automatically entered to win one of two Creative MuVo V100 MP3 players courtesy of OverDrive, our service provider.
The more titles you download and the more often you use the service, the greater your chance of winning. All you need is a valid CLAMS library card from a participating library, computer access and a broadband Internet connection.
Visit the CLAMS OverDrive website or speak to a library staff member for more information.
The more titles you download and the more often you use the service, the greater your chance of winning. All you need is a valid CLAMS library card from a participating library, computer access and a broadband Internet connection.
Visit the CLAMS OverDrive website or speak to a library staff member for more information.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Museum Passes For Spring!
The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library still have discount museum admission passes available for a limited time. Passes for reduced admission are available through April 30th for the Museum of Fine Art and the Children’s Museum, and through June 30th for the New England Aquarium. Passes can be picked up from the Library circulation desk. Call us for more information!
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