The Library is in the middle of a planning process to map a course for the next five years. On Wednesday March 28th at 6pm, the Library will host a forum to discover where you would like to see the town in five years and how the library can help with your vision.
As a special thank you to participants, the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library have sponsored door prizes for this event.
Those who attend will have a chance to win a Nook eReader that may be used to check out library eBooks, or a gift certificate to the Bunch of Grapes Bookstore in Vineyard Haven.We want to make sure we're meeting the needs of the community as best we can. If you're happy with what we do we'd like to hear from you, and just as importantly we'd like to hear what you'd really like us to change. Barbara Andrews, an adviser from the Massachusetts Library System will be facilitating the discussion. Light refreshments will be provided.
We're hoping to get a representation of all the different populations in Tisbury-- town officials as well as ordinary citizens, primary residence or second home owner, library users and non library users, older residents, and younger ones! This is your chance to tell us what really makes this library important to this community and what we need to do to keep it that way. We're looking forward to hearing what you have to say-- please come!