Due to staffing issues related to the pandemic, the library will provide curbside services only in the library entryway through January 3rd, including holds pickup and browsing the new book and express bestseller carts. Wifi hotspots and Chromebook computers will be available for checkout.
Friday, December 31, 2021
Curbside Services Only on Friday Dec 31st - Mon Jan 3rd
Monday, December 27, 2021
Virtual: Journaling for Wellness with Lara Tupper
Virtual : Journaling for Wellness with Lara Tupper
4 pm Tuesday January 11th
Whether you have enjoyed journaling for years, never considered it or are somewhere in-between, please join us, lead by Lara Tupper, as we explore the value of journaling for wellness. A journaling practice can help us articulate thoughts and challenges on the page during trying times. This workshop includes a brief discussion about the health benefits of journaling, short and sweet freewriting exercises and tips about how to sustain greater self-compassion and self-awareness through writing. All are welcome.
A graduate of the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College (MFA Creative Writing), Lara Tupper taught at Rutgers University for many years and now presents private writing workshops (online and in person). For ten years she was a faculty member at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, where she led journaling workshops and retreats for thousands of guests seeking wellness practices. She is founder of Swift Ink Stories, which offers private manuscript guidance and tutorials, and the author of three books (a short story collection, Amphibians, and the novels Off Island and A Thousand and One Nights).
This programs is brought to you by Be Well MV, the Brooks Public Library, the Provincetown Public Library and the Vineyard Haven Public Library.
Please register at : https://bit.ly/journaling4wellness for this exciting workshop. Direct questions to amcdonough@clamsnet.org.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Curbside Services on Thurs, Dec 23rd, Sun Dec 26th, & Mon Dec 27th
Due to a COVID positive exposure to library staff and out of an abundance of caution, the library building will be closed to the public on Thursday, and will offer curbside service only.
The library will be closed for the holidays on Friday December 24th and Saturday December 25th.
On Sunday, December 26th, and Monday December 27th, the library will provide curbside services in the library entryway, including holds pickup, browsing the new book and express bestseller carts, and will have Wifi hotspots and Chromebook computers available for checkout.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Update on Vineyard Haven Library Services
Due to a higher number of cases of COVID-19 locally and regionally, the Tisbury Health Department has recommended that the library temporarily reintroduce time limits and other precautions in the library building.
For the time being, table seating will be limited, and all patrons are asked to keep their library visits to 30 minutes or less. Use of library computers will be limited to one 30 minute session per day. For patrons needing longer term internet access, the library has WiFi hotspots and Chromebook computers available for checkout.
Throughout the library all patrons over the age of two are required to wear a face covering, regardless of personal vaccination status. If you or a family member are experiencing symptoms of illness including fever, cough, or shortness or breath, please postpone your visit until you are feeling better.
Thank you for helping us to create a safe environment for all library visitors.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Winter Reading with the All-Island Classics Book Group
Friday, December 10, 2021
Free Consumer Training from Massachusetts Attorney General's Office
Know your rights, and how to protect yourself! The Office of Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey offers free online educational trainings to empower the residents of the Commonwealth.
December webinars:
Winter Consumer Rights- Monday, December 13th, 2021, at 10:30 AM
Meeting Number: 2319 526 6885
Meeting Password: CEDWebinar
Join By Phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll
Access Code: 23195266885
Everyday Scams and ID Theft- Monday, December 20th, 2021, at 10:30 AM
Meeting number: 2303 379 6817
Meeting Password: CEDWebinar
Join By Phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll
Access Code: 23033796817
The Mass AGO will continue to add more presentations for 2022, so visit their education webpage to stay updated or register:
Thursday, December 9, 2021
The Best Books of 2021
Throughout the second year of the pandemic, books
continued to provide entertainment and escape, enriching our inner lives as our
more public and social pursuits continued to be curtailed. As the Boston Globe has pointed out, “Whatever
else we say about 2021, it was a great year for books.” Here we present many
of the best-of-2021 lists. Consider these lists as a great discovery tool,
leading you to titles that may have flown beneath your radar, or ones that may
make a great holiday gift for someone. Some of these lists are behind a
paywall—you can use the Library’s subscriptions to get in. For more reading recommendations, visit
our Shelf Service page or call the library at
508-696-4211. You can also place holds through the online catalog.
Globe’s Best Books of 2021
Goodreads Choice
Awards Best Books of 2021
York Public Library’s Best Books of 2021 for Adults
New York Times 10 Best Books of 2021 (subscription required, if you don’t have one you can log in through the Library by clicking here and entering the code c59d2806040934a2. Then create a username and password. You must use this login and password for every future visit to the New York Times online.)
Winners of the 2021 National Book Awards
Weekly Best Books of 2021
TIME’s 100
Must-Read Books of 2021
Young Adult
Choice Awards Best Young Adult Fiction
York Public Library Best Books of 2021 for Teens
Library Association’s Notable Children’s Books 2021
New York
Public Library Best Books of 2021 for Children
Weekly Best Books of 2021 for Children
Post Best Children’s Books for 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
Civil Rights Film Screening & Discussion
On Tuesday, December 7th at 6pm, please join us on Zoom for a presentation with filmmaker Craig Dudnick. Craig’s documentary Alice's Ordinary People is available to stream anytime for free on Kanopy. The Zoom presentation will be approximately an hour long, and can be enjoyed whether or not the participant has seen the film.
Alice's Ordinary People is a documentary about Alice Tregay – a woman who refused to stand still for injustice and brought others together to change what was. Her remarkable story spans the historic period from the marches of Dr. King to the election of Barack Obama, and her great contribution in the field of politics is the thread which connects the two.
Craig’s presentation will begin with a 30 minute overview of the Civil Rights Movement and Alice's role in bringing politics to the Movement. Discussion and Q&A to follow. Email amcdonough@clamsnet.org to request the Zoom invitation. This event is free, open to the public, and sponsored by the Vineyard Haven Library and West Tisbury Library.
View the film here (library card required): https://vhlibrary.kanopy.com/video/alices-ordinary-people
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Project Safe Childhood Event on Wed November 17th
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Monday, November 8, 2021
Great Travels: Fall Writing Workshop Online
Virtual : Great Travels : Fall Writing Workshop
6 pm Tuesdays November 16th & 30thIf you love to travel and explore – either locally or far and wide -- and would like a chance to discuss and write about some of your most memorable, beautiful or interesting travel experiences and adventures, in a fun, relaxed, supportive atmosphere, come join us for these workshops led by Caroline Joy Adams, M.Ed. There will be 2 workshops, November 16th and November 30th. Feel free to register and join in!
An artist, writer, photographer, and travel lover, she has taught writing at the college level in addition to hundreds of writing workshops over the past 20 years, including in recent times in Maui, Hawaii, Newport, RI, Woods Hole, MA, and Martha’s Vineyard. The author of six books, including the Power to Write, and Have Fun with Haiku, her soon to be published book, Great Travel Questions for Fun Conversations will be released in the Fall of 2021.
Space is limited. Please register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkdeyrqDMpGNWOhmMCkFAMzESiX2n1Y2kg
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Complete the Library Programming Survey!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 13,000 people have participated in virtual, online, and outdoor programs offered by the Vineyard Haven Public Library. While these programs will continue, the library is also exploring options for the return of indoor, in-person library programming.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey - your responses will guide us as we plan what services to offer in the coming months.
Responses will be kept anonymous unless you choose to provide your contact information. If you have questions or comments not addressed in the survey, please contact the Library Director -- we appreciate your feedback!
Pick up a survey at the library, or complete it online:
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Special Event: Horse Logging, and Sketching Horses with Elizabeth Whelen
On Wednesday, November 10th at 6pm, professional artist Elizabeth R Whelan will join forces with Michael Madole of Hilltown Horse Logging in Western Massachusetts, to bring you a special free talk and sketching event via Zoom. First, Michael will talk about selectively logging forests with his amazing Belgian mare Hazel, and then Elizabeth will lead a class on sketching horses using Hazel as the model!
Logging with Hazel (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm)
Michael Madole and his Belgian mare Hazel have quite a story to tell. You can find them in the forests of Western Massachusetts where they are sustainably logging one tree at a time. Listen as he shares the tale of how he and Hazel started working together, their approach to forestry, the joys and challenges of horse logging, and what it's like to have Hazel as your co-worker! As Michael says, "Every landowner can be a local tree farmer, and they can do it without sacrificing the beauty, diversity, and resilience of their woods." With the average parcel size decreasing and a new type of forest landowner emerging, that there is an emerging need for thoughtful, deliberate, slow logging.
Sketching Hazel, with artist Elizabeth Whelan (6:45 - 7:30 pm)
Join Elizabeth with your sketchbook and pencils as she leads a class in sketching horses using the beautiful Belgian mare Hazel as your subject.
To register or for more information, contact library Program Coordinator Anne McDonough at amcdonough@clamsnet.org.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Virtual Event: Rare Book Specialist Ken Gloss of Brattle Book Shop
6 pm Tuesday November 9th
Online: Rare Book Specialist and Brattle Book Shop Owner Ken Gloss
We are delighted to welcome Ken Gloss, rare book specialist and owner of the internationally known Brattle Book Shop in Boston’s Downtown Crossing area for a Zoom presentation!
Ken will discuss the value of old and rare books, and even do an appraisal or two as time permits. Ken, a rare book specialist and appraiser who is frequently on national TV and WGBH radio, will talk in part about the history of his historic bookshop, which goes back to circa 1825. He is a second-generation owner.
He will describe and exhibit some of his favorite finds and relate some of the joys of the "hunt," as well as explain what makes a book go up in value. He has many fascinating anecdotes to share as well as guidelines for what to look for when starting a collection. There is also a Q&A session before the conclusion of his talk. If you would like a book of yours appraised, email the information beforehand, with a couple of photos, to amcdonough@clamsnet.org (subject line: Appraisal). Ken will give free verbal appraisals of a couple of those at the end, and can do so for others at a later date.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtc-iorzsjEtIDiROXyMLCLIYNmhhIPtuo
Friday, October 29, 2021
Virtual Event: Spark Joy While Tidying Up!
Spark Joy with Shannon Huneycutt, Certified KonMari Consultant
Pre-recorded webinar available Saturday, November 6 – Monday, November 8!
Learn the KonMari philosophy and guiding principles needed to tidy once and for all and spark joy in your home, office and life. Visualize and create the space you’ve always dreamed of as you learn what truly sparks joy. View the webinar on your own anytime between November 6 – November 8. Registration for this event will automatically enter you to win a three-hour personalized tidying session with Shannon Huneycutt!
Email tthorpe@clamsnet.org or amcdonough@clamsnet.org to sign up and get the Zoom invite.
What is the KonMari Method®?
The KonMari Method® was created by tidying expert Marie Kondo, author of the best selling book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, and star of the popular Netflix series, Tidying up with Marie Kondo. This style of tidying focuses on decluttering and organizing your space by keeping only those items you love. By visualizing the home and lifestyle you dream of, you can finally let go of unnecessary items causing clutter and truly live a life that Sparks Joy.
Sponsored by the Chilmark, Vineyard Haven, West Tisbury, and Oak Bluffs Libraries
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Late opening at 12 Noon on Thursday 10/28, with Limited Services
Vineyard Haven Library will be opening late on Thurs 10/28. If conditions allow library will be open from Noon to 6pm.
Story Workshop with Emily is cancelled today.
Public Wifi is available (see staff for password), we are not able to print documents. Wifi hotspots are available for checkout.
Library phones are not working. You can leave a message, and we will reply when we are able to.
Please bring your library card to checkout items, since staff computers are offline.
Library Closed Wednesday 10/27
Vineyard Haven Public Library will be closed for the day on Wednesday October 27th
Monday, October 25, 2021
Halloween Events This Weekend, 10/30 & 10/31
5 pm Saturday October 30th
Online: Halloween and the History of Witches with Grounded Goodwife
How did the benevolent image of a wise woman transform into the malevolent figure of the witch we know today? When you think of a witch, it’s easy to conjure up an image of an old, ugly, hook-nosed woman, stirring up a steaming potion that is brewing away inside a cauldron. Of course her usual sidekick, the proverbial black cat, is probably not far away. Have you ever wondered, especially on Halloween, why witches are depicted as riding on brooms through the nighttime sky? You’re never going to look at sweeping the same way again...Sponsored by the Vineyard Haven and Chilmark libraries.
Halloween Take & Makes
Glow Ghost bags for Kids and Teen Glow Ghost Bracelet bags will be available for pickup from 10 am to noon on Sunday October 31st, while supplies last.
Trick-or-Treat on Main Street
Trick-or-Treat on Main Street, Vineyard Haven on Sunday, October 31st from 2 pm to 5 pm! The Friends of the Library will also be giving out treats Curbside at the Library from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Save the Date for Winter Literature Seminar with Phil Weinstein
Online: Uncanny Voyages with Phil Weinstein
Wednesdays at 7pm, January 26th - April 20th
This winter, Philip Weinstein, the Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor of English Emeritus at Swarthmore College, will present a seven-part seminar "Uncanny Voyages," that will center on writers who explore extreme situations. Readings from Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Freud, Kafka, Faulkner, and Flannery O’Connor will make up the syllabus.
According to Professor Weinstein, "in these readings we enter spaces where common sense collapses. Kafka prized those books “that affect us like a disaster...like being banished into forests far from everyone... A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within.” To travel with such texts is to encounter the bracing shock of uncanny voyages."
Hosted on Zoom by Lifelong Learning Swarthmore and Vineyard Haven Public Library, the class will take place every two weeks on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm, January 26th - April 20th, 2022. Zoom login will be sent to registered library participants prior to the first session on January 26th. To register through the library, visit https://bit.ly/3mCbuds
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Virtual: What’s it Worth? Your Treasures Appraised!

What’s it Worth? Your Treasures Appraised by Mike Ivankovich
Thursday, November 4, from 6:30-8pm on Zoom
Author, auctioneer, appraiser, and radio show host Mike Ivankovich will determine what your antiques, collectibles, and personal treasures are worth on the market today. The first 25 people that sign up for this fun and potentially lucrative program can have an item appraised. 'What's It Worth' is brought to you by the Edgartown, Chilmark, Vineyard Haven and West Tisbury libraries. Sign up at https://bit.ly/3lVmDqL
Monday, October 18, 2021
Online Event: Halloween and the History of Witches
5 pm Saturday October 30th
Virtual: If the Broom Fits: Halloween and the History of Witches with Grounded Goodwife
How did the benevolent image of a wise woman transform into the malevolent figure of the witch we know today? Witches are one of the most traditional as well as mysterious entities we associate with Halloween. When you think of a witch, it’s easy to conjure up an image of an old, ugly, hook-nosed woman, stirring up a steaming potion that is brewing away inside a cauldron. Of course her usual sidekick, the proverbial black cat, is probably not far away. Have you ever wondered, especially on Halloween, why witches are depicted as riding on brooms through the nighttime sky? You’re never going to look at sweeping the same way again...
A vivacious teacher and a grounded herbalist, the mother/daughter duo of Ehris and Velya connects with audiences through their Green Witch Workshops, Herstory Unsanitized presentations, and books. Funny and frank, they share their respect for Mother Nature, enthusiasm for all things green, and belief that history (and life!) should never be boring.
Sponsored by the Vineyard Haven and Chilmark libraries. Please contact Library Program Coordinator Anne McDonough at amcdonough@clamsnet.org for Zoom access.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
New Fall/Winter Schedule, Including Sunday Hours!
Regular hours effective October 17th:
Sunday: 1 pm to 5 pm
Monday: 10 am to 5 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10 am to 6 pm
Friday: 1 pm to 5 pm
Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Virtual Event: The Psychology of Dog Training Methods
6 pm Wednesday October 27th
Virtual : Brian Luce on the Psychology of Dog Training Methods
Local dog (and human) trainer Brian Luce will give a presentation on the psychology behind dog training methods.
There are a host of different leashes, collars and harnesses on the market, yet there is not much information on how these are to be properly used. Brian will teach us how to use these tools properly and efficiently. He will go into the psychology behind our perception of training tools and their methods and how one’s emotions can affect training.
Brian Luce is an Island native. He began dog training over 5 years ago when he volunteered at a rescue facility here in Massachusetts. He realized quickly that loving dogs wasn’t enough to help them. From that point on he worked for various daycares, mentored under many different trainers and learned as much as he could about dogs and their behavior. After 3 months of intense schooling in Texas, Brian worked in Vermont with a training company. Brian realized that his skills and psychology were different, so he moved back to MV and started his own business.
It was here on the Island where he really learned to develop his skills and his own methodology. Brian’s primary focus is on Dog Psychology versus ‘obedience’ or ‘commands’. His ideology is founded on understanding how a dog’s brain works, rather than simply teaching a dog to ‘sit’ or ‘stay’.
Sponsored by the Vineyard Haven and Chilmark libraries. Please contact Library Program Coordinator Anne McDonough at amcdonough@clamsnet.org for Zoom access.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
All-Island Seasonal Flu Immunization Clinic Saturday, October 23, 9 am – 12:00 pm
This is the only TOWN-SPONSORED seasonal flu clinic scheduled this year.
Please complete the attached forms and bring them with you to the Flu Clinic General Directions:
- Fill out Parts 1 & 2 on the front of the vaccine administration form.
- Medicare Part B and some other insurances cover the cost of these vaccines and will be billed for this service. Fill in your Medicare number and/or other insurance information on the form. Remember to bring your Medicare and/or insurance card with you to the Clinic.
- If you do not have Medicare Part B or other insurance you will still be immunized free of charge
- Complete the screening questionnaire on the back of the vaccine administration form
- For your information an influenza vaccine information sheet is attached
- Only bring the vaccine administration form/screening questionnaire with you on the day of the clinic
- Wear a short-sleeved shirt to the clinic.
This Clinic is sponsored by: Martha’s Vineyard Boards of Health; Martha’s Vineyard Hospital; Island Health Care With support from: Island Police Departments; Island Emergency Medical Services; Island Emergency Managers; Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools; Dukes County; MV Agricultural Society
Monday, October 11, 2021
Online: Haunted Gingerbread House Contest
Online: Haunted Gingerbread House Contest
Join Emily and Jennifer on Zoom for a fun Haunted Gingerbread House contest! Kits will be available for pickup starting Sunday 10/17 @10am, while supplies last. Sign-up is required for the zoom link, register here: https://bit.ly/3iL0E3I
Friday, October 8, 2021
Reduced Admission Passes Available for Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Thanks to the Friends of the Library and the Martha's Vineyard Library Association, Vineyard Haven Library Patrons may access reduced admission passes to the MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON.
Contact the library to receive your promo code by emailing vhpl_mail@clamsnet.org. The Library will send you an email with a promo code that provides up to two people (adult or children 7–17) with $10 admission per person (discounted from the regular general admission charge of $25 per person and the regular special exhibition charge of $32 per person).
You may bring the email from the library with the promo code to the Museum to reserve same-day tickets, however visitors are encouraged to
reserve their ticket in advance if possible as it will allow for easier
admission into the museum when they arrive.
To reserve timed-entry tickets online, go to https://www.mfa.org/tickets
- On the calendar, select the date of your visit.
- Select Admission type ("General Admission", or General Admission + special exhibit if applicable)
- Before selecting an entry time, enter the library Promo Code at the top right corner of the screen, then click Submit.
- Select your entry time.
- Enter 1 or 2 next to library pass.
- Click the checkbox confirming you agree to the Health and Safety Policy*
- Click on Add to Cart
- Click on Go to Order Summary and complete order
- Admission ticket(s) will be sent by email and must be presented upon arrival at the Museum. Tickets do not have to be printed, they may be displayed on a phone or device.
*MFA Health and Safety Policy
All visitors and staff are required to wear masks both inside and outside the building regardless of vaccination status, in accordance with CDC guidelines.
By checking the box, you agree to follow the above guideline, as well as pledge that on the date of your visit you and your party are feeling well and not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, chills, and/or difficulty breathing. You also pledge to insure that no one in your party has had COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to your visit date, or been knowingly exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to your visit date.
Monday, October 4, 2021
Online: The Sporting Events That Changed America
Online Author Talk: The Sporting Events That Changed America
Thursday, October 21, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
This enlightening and enjoyable program will entertain and illuminate sports fans or anyone interested in American history. It is hosted by Martin Gitlin and is based on his highly acclaimed book titled "Powerful Moments in Sports: The Most Significant Sporting Events in American History." The program features exciting videos of sporting events through more than 100 years that greatly impacted society and/or the sports themselves.
Included are the sale of Babe Ruth to the Yankees that kicked off the greatest dynasty in American sports history, Jesse Owens at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the 1958 NFL Championship Game that brought pro football into prominence, the famed Battle of the Sexes between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs, the Magic Johnson-Larry Bird rivalry that brought the NBA back to life and much more, This presentation features a lot of fun trivia questions for patrons to ponder as well. A Q&A session follows. This will be fun and thought-provoking, so join in.
This event is brought to you by the Chilmark, Edgartown, West Tisbury and Vineyard Haven Public Libaries. Please contact amcdonough@clamsnet.org for Zoom access.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
$50,000 Challenge Grant for Library Capital Campaign
The Vineyard Haven Public Library Building Fund, Inc. is pleased to announce a $50,000 challenge grant from the Sibbri Foundation. The grant calls for the Library Building Fund to raise $50,000 by December 31, 2021, which will then be matched dollar for dollar by the Sibbri Foundation. Every gift or pledge for a future gift made before the end of 2021 will be counted towards the challenge, so a gift or pledge today will be doubled!
Through a capital campaign launched in 2019, the Vineyard Haven Public Library Building Fund Inc. (VHPLBFI) is raising funds for the construction of an addition to the library building at 200 Main Street, to house an accessible multi-purpose meeting room with seating for up to 100, with up-to-date technology, appropriate lighting and acoustics, and optimal ventilation. The project will also include a renovated and expanded reading room, and a new interpretation of the Margaret Webster Shakespeare Garden which was lost with the library's last expansion in 2000.
VHPLBFI is raising the funds needed for the library addition project through gifts and grants, without further taxpayer funding. To date, VHPLBFI has raised approximately $900,000 towards the $2 million campaign goal. An additional $50,000 in gifts to be matched by the Sibbri Foundation would take the campaign past the halfway mark. "We’ve seen wonderful support for the library and look forward to meeting this fundraising milestone near the end of this year,” said Building Fund President Arch Smith. “We are excited to have the Sibbri Foundation gift to offer encouragement to bolster donations, with a matching grant every donation becomes even more important.
Donations can be made online at www.vhlibrarybuildingfund.org or checks sent to VHPLBFI, PO Box 4961, Vineyard Haven MA 02568. Pledge forms and more detailed information about the capital campaign and building project are available at www.vhlibrarybuildingfund.org.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Climate Preparedness Week Virtual Events
During September 24–30* each year, we mark Climate Preparedness Week, dedicated to learning, service, and actions that better prepare our communities for extreme weather events. By coming together to host events, we provide the resources and space to think about the ways that climate change disadvantages some communities more than others.
By coming together to host educational and service-oriented events, we can equip ourselves and our communities with the resources, tools, and mindsets to build resilience in the face of changing weather and our changing climate. We’ll explore how severe weather and climate change affects us all--locally, globally, publicly, and personally. Additionally, we’ll learn about how the impacts of climate change and extreme weather intersect with racial, social, and economic justice and how we can respond to these changes from the ground up and the top down.
Virtual : The State of the Coast presented by The Trustees
Join The Trustees of Reservations and the public libraries in Vineyard Haven and Edgartown to hear from the lead author of the second annual “State of the Coast” report, detailing many of the coastal challenges being faced by communities on Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Gosnold, as well as potential adaptation methods for the future. Join the discussion to ask questions and see the latest modeling and data forecasts for 2050. Please register for this event at https://thetrustees.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ojdkJQuZSwq_i0cY1tr_xg
Virtual Panel Discussion
Monday, September 27
6:00 pm via Zoom
CREW will be hosting a virtual panel discussion dialogue with several organizations regarding how extreme weather impacts humans' physical and mental health, New England's dependence on fossil fuels, its connection to climate change, what a clean energy future could look like, and political action that several groups are taking on behalf of their communities to mitigate climate change. The organizations involved are Climate Code Blue, Conservation Law Foundation, Green Roots Chelsea, Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation and Mattapan Food and Fitness.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuduurqzosE9JiduCJK5wxQtOQAjXJrtRe%20
Climate Preparedness Week: Why Trees Matter in a Changing Climate
Tuesday, September 28
6:30 pm via Zoom
We will discuss the importance of urban forests in combatting climate change impacts such as extreme heat. Featuring David Meshoulam, PhD, co-founder of Speak for the Trees.
Register here:
Questions? Contact vernon@climatecrew.org
The Effects of Climate Change on the Ocean and Human Well-Being: How Do We Respond?
Wednesday, September 29
5:30 pm via Zoom
Join us as Dr. Aaron Hartmann will lead the discussion on why/how we can respond to the changing of the weather and how climate change affects the Ocean, and CREW will lead the discussion on how climate change affects human beings.
Register here: