Francisco de Orellana, the Spanish conquistador, founded Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador (Perla de un pacifico mar) on the 25th of July 1537. Even before the Spanish founded it, it already existed as a native village.
On Wednesday, July 28th beginning at 7pm, the Library will host a celebration of this holiday with the Ecuadorian community of Martha’s Vineyard. We will learn about the culture, traditions and history of Guayaquil, Ecuador; the different cultural manifestations of Guayaquil, the pre-Hispanic life, Spanish conquest, modern life and tourism of this beautiful province. There will be folk music, apparel native to Ecuador and presentation of some of the old fashioned Guayaquilean dances followed by some traditional and delicious snacks.
Alexia Garcia will be presenting this program. She was an intern and is now studying at the Archeology Museum Ecuador Guayaquil Presley Norton. Alexia speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese and will be glad to share the program in all 3 languages.