Friday, May 24, 2024

Virtual Art History Series, Sponsored by the Friends of the Library

This June, the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library will sponsor a series of free virtual art history lectures, on Thursday mornings at 10:30 am on Zoom. All programs will be recorded, and registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program. This series is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Tewksbury Library, Corning Community Impact & Investment, and the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library.

10:30 am Thursday June 6th REGISTER
The Impressionists--Imagining the Modern 
Today, everyone loves the Impressionists, and 2024 is the 150th anniversary of the First Impressionist Exhibition, held in Paris in 1874. But many don’t know that the Impressionists and their avant-garde works were initially reviled by the critics and rejected by the public. If you can’t get to Paris to see the Musée D’Orsay’s blockbuster exhibition Paris 1874: Inventing impressionism, this is the next best thing! Learn the compelling story of how this beloved art movement was born and why it flourished. View some of favorite paintings, as well as others that will be new to you. Led by Janet Mandel, a retired 32-year art history teacher, who now presents illustrated talks on a variety of art history topics at colleges & universities, libraries, museums, senior centers, and community centers.

10:30 am Thursday June 13th REGISTER
New Hampshire Art & Artists Through The Years 

New Hampshire has attracted and inspired artists since the colonial era. What is distinctive about the art made there? Explore works by itinerant and folk painters, landscape artists drawn to the state's scenic vistas, and modern artists that adopted bold styles to depict everyday life in the Granite State. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Childe Hassam, and Maxfield Parrish are some of the artists discussed in this program. Led by art historian Jane Oneail, founder of Culturally Curious, a company that curates and delivers art appreciation programs for audiences worldwide. With a Master’s in Art History from Boston University and a Master’s in Education from Harvard University, Oneail has worked at some of New Hampshire's most esteemed cultural institutions, including as Executive Director of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen and Senior Educator at the Currier Museum of Art. She has also taught at the college level for more than a decade, most recently at Southern New Hampshire University.

10:30 am Thursday June 20th REGISTER
Creative Couples‑‑Lee Krasner & Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler & Robert Motherwell 

Examine the relationship of two artistic couples who worked in New York City in the mid 20th Century -- Lee Krasner & Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler & Robert Motherwell. Explore the contributions of these two creative couples in the artistic revolution of Abstract Expressionism. Although 20 years apart in age, Lee and Helen knew each other and traveled in the same artistic circles in the 1950s. Led by Martha Chiarchiaro, owner of Seeing History, who has brought history to life through the art of the times for more than 30 years. She received her Masters’ degree in the History of Art from Williams College and provides a variety of art history presentations at the Worcester Art Museum, the Worcester Institute for Senior Education (WISE), libraries, senior centers, and garden clubs.

10:30 am Thursday June 27th REGISTER
The Landscape As Canvas‑‑Earth Art
In the 1960s and 70s, artists like Robert Smithson, Nancy Holt, and Ana Mendietta began the revolutionary practice of making art using materials from the natural world. Learn more about the inspiration  for the movement and get insight into the works of several leading artists, including Andy Goldsworthy. Led by art historian Jane Oneail, founder of Culturally Curious.

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