Friday, July 5, 2024

JAWS 50th–an evening with Wendy Benchley

On Tuesday, August 6th at 6:00 PM, the Vineyard Haven Library celebrates the 50th anniversary of JAWS with a presentation by Wendy Benchley, at the historic Katharine Cornell Theater located at 51 Spring Street in Vineyard Haven. 

The publication of the novel JAWS and the film that followed forever transformed the lives of Wendy Benchley and her late husband Peter Benchley, tapping into our collective fascination with sharks and sparking a pop-culture phenomenon. After JAWS was released, Peter and Wendy dedicated their lives to learning about sharks and becoming a global voice for their protection. Over four decades, they saw firsthand the challenges facing our seas, and came to understand that the biggest threat to sharks is us.

The ultimate JAWS insider, Wendy Benchley is a renowned global public speaker and ocean conservation advocate, who has won multiple awards for her advocacy work. She is actively engaged in the marine policy community and supports many of the world’s leading ocean and environmental organizations. 

In her talk, Wendy will relay tales about Peter Benchley’s literary family and personal stories about his work as a speechwriter for President Lyndon Johnson and his dedication to writing. She will share firsthand details about the filming of JAWS on Martha's Vineyard in 1974 and her global adventures with Peter on ocean research expeditions with National Geographic. 

She will also discuss her work collaborating with internationally recognized environmental nonprofits, policymakers, and global leaders to help champion policies that protect our oceans and recognize their critical role as a natural solution for climate change. Fifty years after the release of JAWS, Wendy’s passion for sharks and hopeful optimism about our progress to protect these magnificent creatures continues to inspire those around her.

For more information, please email the library at or call (508) 696-4211.

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